Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Water! The Natural Cure for Yeast Infections from Mother Nature

Let's face it ladies, we don't drink enough water these days. Water is God's soft drink, and is one of the best natural methods of curing yeast infections!

My opinion is that lack of water, and too much artificial soft drinks are a major contributor to all the obesity, sickness and disease we have become so used to dealing with these days.

Most physicians say we should drink at least eight 8 ounce glasses of water daily, however few really-healthy people drink that amount of water as part of their daily regimen.

In my experiences, I have found that drinking plenty of water cuts down on the chances of getting a yeast infection. This may sound weird, but I just have a feeling that it has something to do with urinating more! I mean, it seems that when you drink fluently throughout the day, you naturally urinate more... which kinda helps keep the pipes clean (If you know what I mean) :)

If you do only one healthy thing everyday, drink more water. It's natural, and has no side effects!

Tip: Add a little Lemon to give it a refreshing zing!