Thursday, June 25, 2009

Simple Tips for Curing Yeast Infections

Let's talk about the ever-popular yeast infection....

We ain't talkin about the bakery ladies! :)

The culprit in a vaginal yeast infection is almost always caused by a fungus called Candida albicans which is normally found in small quantities in the vagina.

It's estimated that three out of four of us will have a yeast infection sometime in our lives. (Lucky Us).

Some of the most common causes of vaginal yeast infection include being pregnant, diabetes, and using oral contraceptives, steroids, and certain antibiotics. Yeast infection is also more common after menopause due to a steady drop in estrogen levels.

What can you do to help in curing yeast infections? Check out these tips:

1. Don't douche.
2. Use a condom. - You know better ;)
3. Wear cotton panties instead of synthetic underwear. - They're cuter anyway.
4. Avoid baths, hot tubs, or whirlpools. - Tough one... especially after a long day.
5. Try to limit your use of scented products, including tampons and feminine sprays.

With some of these tips in practice... you'll be on your way to help curing yeast infections every day.

For an absolutely outstanding product you can use to cure a yeast infection, Click Here Now!